Impulsa el verdadero cambio

FDX Ingeniería is the leading supplier
of loT data loggers for monitoring of
the Paraná Delta

Technology at the service of the community

Monitoreo de niveles de la region del Delta del Paraná

With 14,000 Km2 and a length of 320 Km, it is considered one of the largest deltas in the world. It is an area with a great economic activity in the area of islands such as agriculture, livestock, forestry and tourism.

From the environmental point of view, it has a large number of unique wetlands that are the source of different hydrological, biological and geomorphological processes.

The various streams that run through this area offer the possibility of being navigated so that its inhabitants can move around to sell products, buy provisions and even go to school as if they were streets.

Given the importance of these natural streams for the development of the activities of the communities living in this area, it is essential to know the level of the river in the face of the different hydrological phenomena that coexist there.

Within this framework, FDX Ingeniería was called from state offices to implement a system for monitoring water level data in these canals to generate flood alerts. We were presented with the challenge of installing our data loggers in an area that is very difficult to access, where it is only possible to arrive by boat and, due to the huge extension, it is not possible to access the installed equipment for a significant period of time. In addition, the communication networks in the area are deficient due to the large forestation and small population.

Taking into account all these conditions, we proposed the use of our range of data loggers based on IoT technology. These devices have the ability to have very low power consumption, withstand weather conditions, be easy to hide so as not to be vandalized and have the flexibility to connect an external antenna for better signal reception.

After 3 years of installation, it was possible to obtain historical series of water levels that are a fundamental contribution to adjust a forecasting system such as the one being developed.
Here you can see some of the results and progress of the project.

In the FDX Ingeniería team we are very happy that our loggers have been able to meet the objective and, after 3 years, continue with the deployment of measurement points that we know have a very significant importance for the community.

Many people in the islands decide their day or their activities based on the measurements of our equipment, it is a great responsibility that fills us with pride.